PTSD After Car Accidents

Around nine percent of people who are in car accidents will develop PTSD. This percentage is significantly higher, closer to 60%, for people who seek mental health services following a car accident. In both instances, PTSD can have a profound impact on recovery following an injury or accident, requiring additional treatment and services to fully address.

What is PTSD?

According to the AMA, “Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, rape or other violent personal assault.”

Following a car accident, PTSD will likely be acute and related entirely to the event. However, car accidents can also exacerbate existing conditions and contribute to ongoing or chronic trauma. If your car accident has resulted in emotional distress, it is important that you speak with an attorney as soon as possible to learn about legal options that may help cover the expenses related to treatment and care.

Symptoms of PTSD following a car accident may include:

  • Re-experiencing. This may include frequent thoughts about the event, flashbacks, physical responses when thinking of the event, or recurrent nightmares
  • This may include constantly keeping busy to avoid thinking about your accident, avoiding people or places that remind you of the accident or making effort towards not thinking or talking about the event
  • This may include being jumpy or feeling constantly on guard, difficulties concentrating, problems with sleep, and irritability/aggression
  • Negative thoughts and beliefs. This may include feeling distant from others, feeling disinterested in once enjoyable activities, a loss of positive feelings, suicidal ideation

If you have been in a car accident and are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call My Price Lawyers at  to find an experienced attorney in your area who can help you understand both legal and treatment options that can assist in dealing with your condition.

Living with PTSD

PTSD is an exaggerated stress response that can be extremely discomforting and result in both physical and emotional consequences. But it is also entirely manageable. With the right help and consistent effort, even PTSD related to serious car accidents can be treated, though the process may be long and expensive. This is one of the reasons it makes sense to have a car accident lawyer on your side. Settlements and verdicts are typically much higher when an attorney is involved, helping ensure you are able to get all of the help you need.

Managing PTSD may require a new exercise routine, a dedication to healthy eating, adopting mindfulness exercises like yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation, and counseling. One-on-one counseling with a psychiatrist and group counseling may be recommended for a full recovery. The latter can also help in building community and spending time with others, both of which can help when recovering from PTSD.

For a free referral to an affordable PTSD car accident lawyer in Brandon, Lakeland, Tampa, Orlando, Sebring, St. Peters, Clearwater, and surrounding areas of Florida, please call My Price Lawyers at  today.
